Advocacy Alert: Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform, or SOAR Act (H.R. 7829/S. 3821)

Action Needed!

Urge your members of Congress to Co-Sponsor the Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform, or SOAR, Act (H.R. 7829/S. 3821)

Bipartisan legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Congress designed to ease access to supplemental oxygen for Medicare beneficiaries. This legislation is supported by APTAAPTA Cardiovascular and Pulmonary, the American Lung Association, American Association for Respiratory Care, Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, and many more.

The legislation is based on the four pillars of Medicare oxygen payment reform that APTA and APTA Cardiovascular and Pulmonary have supported with many others in a broad coalition of patients and providers.

The SOAR Act would, among other things, remove all oxygen and oxygen equipment from Medicare competitive bidding, establish a separate base payment rate for liquid oxygen with an add-on payment for liquid oxygen at 6 liters per minute and higher, and establish protections for Medicare beneficiaries who use supplemental oxygen.

Please use the following link (courtesy of our partners at the American Lung Association) to send an email to your members of Congress and urge them to co-sponsor the SOAR Act.